What can be done?

          I think in order for the Sonoran Desert ecosystem to remain rich and diverse with plant and animal species interacting there needs to be more awareness for the public. The ecosystem of the Sonora Desert is very unique and preserving a lush desert that is one of a kind is important just like protecting all nature is. Steps towards protecting this ecosystem can be done by educating the public about preserving nature because already many animals and plants are endangered or are candidates to become endangered in the Sonoran Desert. If environment degradation continues surely they will go extinct. Urban development should almost be halted or slowed down because not only will expansion destroy natural land but also water is limited and cannot support an overwhelming increase of development and populations. Though, that is easier said than done for human urbanization but something that can be done now is not planting exotic plants in the suburban areas that meet the Sonoran Desert. The invasive plants start taking over and that has negative impacts on the natural landscape. Animals consequently are negatively impacted, because they don’t eat those exotic plants. Also, fires may break out and spread faster due to those plants. Therefore, it seems logical that only native vegetation should be planted and the current invasive plants should be removed. Humans can reduce their impact by living sustainably as well such as using renewable energy and conserving water so desert water won’t be depleted. Homes owners that plant Mesic and Oasis landscapes typically end up wasting more water compared to xeric landscapes that are dryer but more native to the landscape.


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